Recall Diagnosing the Lumbar Spine This technique can be used for Type I OR Type II Dysfunction! Steps for Treatment: Video Tutorial: Lumbar Spine Seated Lumbar Muscle Energy
Recall Diagnosing the Lumbar Spine Steps for Treatment: SU2E mnemonic: Sim’s positioning, dysfunction side up, patient pushes up, extension dysfunction Lumbar Spine Lumbar Type II Extended Somatic Dysfunction Muscle Energy
Recall Diagnosing the Lumbar Spine Steps for Treatment: FD2R mnemonic: Flexion dysfunction, dysfunction side down, patient pushes down, lateral recumbent positioning Lumbar Spine Lumbar Type II Flexed Somatic Dysfunction Muscle Energy
Recall Diagnosing the Lumbar Spine Steps for Treatment: Convex of lumbar dysfunction up, lateral recumbent Video Tutorial: Lumbar Spine Lumbar Type I Somatic Dysfunction Muscle Energy