Used to test the integrity of the Achilles tendon With the patient prone and the foot freely over-hanging the edge of the table, apply a “squeezing” force to the calf (gastrocnemius muscle) Positive if the foot does NOT plantar flex with squeezing motion, indicating a torn Achilles tendon
Category: Ankle
Used to assess for ligamentous laxity of the medial (deltoid) and lateral (ATF) ligaments Varus test (aka Talar Tilt Test): Supporting the proximal ankle, hold the talus and calcaneus as one unit and apply a varus force to the ankle, causing inversion Positive test when pain and ligamentous laxity are appreciated. May appreciate a “clunk” […]
Used to test the strength of the posterior talofibular ligament Performed by holding the patient’s posterior ankle while applying a posterior force on the foot – anterior force on the tibia Test is considered to be positive when foot moves posterior, pain may also be present. Always compare both sides by testing the non-injured ankle […]
Used to test the strength of the anterior talofibular ligament Performed by holding the patient’s foot behind the heel (calcaneus) and with the other hand applying a posterior force through the tibia Test is considered to be positive if pain is reproduced or foot moves anterior Always compare both sides by testing the non-injured ankle first.