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Varus and Valgus Testing
CreatedApril 14, 2020
Last UpdatedMay 11, 2021
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Used to assess for ligamentous laxity of the medial (deltoid) and lateral (ATF) ligaments
Varus test (aka Talar Tilt Test):
- Supporting the proximal ankle, hold the talus and calcaneus as one unit and apply a varus force to the ankle, causing inversion
- Positive test when pain and ligamentous laxity are appreciated. May appreciate a “clunk”
Valgus test:
- Supporting proximal ankle and holding talus and calcaneus as a unit, apply a valgus force to the ankle, resulting in eversion
- Positive with pain and excessive movement
- Supporting proximal ankle and holding talus and calcaneus as a unit, apply a valgus force to the ankle, resulting in eversion
- Positive with pain and excessive movement
With both of these tests, always compare both sides by testing the non-injured ankle first.
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