Kernig’s Test With the patient supine, passively raise the leg with the knee extended Positive if patient is forced to flex head with leg raise Video Tutorial for Kernig’s Test: Brudzinski Test Patient supine, head is passively flexed Positive if patient flexes hips and knees with head flexion Video Tutorial […]
Category: Neuro
Clinical manifestation of hypocalcemia which creates a state of hyper-excitability (tetany) of the facial nerve With the patient seated, the examiner taps on the side of the face over the cheek Positive for involuntary wincing of the face with gentle tapping
•Use a firm object – scrape from calcaneal distal on the lateral side•Cross over at the ball of the foot Tests for Upper Motor Neuron Injury A positive test is when the toes flair cephalad and spread out. A negative test is when the toes curl towards plantar surface of the foot […]
•Tests for Upper Motor Neuron Patient’s hand is supported and relaxed with the wrist extended and the middle finger slightly flexed The middle finger is flicked from dorsal to volar Positive test = the thumb and index finger approximation as if the finger pads are going to touch