Diagnosis: The cervical spine is thought of as three separate regions that should be assessed for individually for dysfunction. Below you can find more information in regards to diagnosing the separate regions of the cervical spine. Diagosing the Typical Cervicals Diagnosing the Atlanto-axial Joint Diagnosing the Occipito-Atlantal Joint Important Concepts: […]
Category: Cervicals
The AA joint – C1 rotating on C2 Diagnosis is ONLY in the rotational plane – NOT a triplanar diagnosis. The only motion at the joint is rotation – 50% of rotation of the cervical spine occurs at AA Joint Rotation: Flex neck to 45 degrees (this locks out the […]
The OA joint – motion/position of the occiput on C1 The OA joint diagnosis is a triplanar diagnosis and includes: Rotation; Sidebending; Flexion/Extension Rotation Palpating the Occipital Sulcus – the space between the occiput and C1 – is how you determine the rotational component of the OA diagnosis The easiest way to find […]
C2 – C7 are known as the “The Typical Cervicals” A Typical cervical diagnosis is a triplanar diagnosis and includes: Rotation; Sidebending; Flexion/Extension Rotation: Place fingers on the articular pillars to palpate which side is more posterior. The side of the posterior articular pillar indicates side of rotation). Sidebending: A […]