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Superior Shear Muscle Energy
CreatedJune 11, 2020
Last UpdatedFebruary 23, 2024
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Recall Diagnosing the Innominate
Steps for Treatment:
- Patient supine
- Physician at the foot of the table with hands wrapped around area superior to the ankle of the superior shear and one forearm against the opposite foot
- Internally rotate the lower extremity to close-pack the joint
- Apply caudad traction on the dysfunctional side
- Ask patient to push against physician with the opposite heel while maintaining traction on dysfunctional side, don’t let the leg move at all
- Hold for 3-5 seconds
- Relax for 2 seconds
- Take up slack to engage a new barrier
- Repeat at least 2 more times or until full range of motion
- Passive stretch
- Reassess
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