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Still Technique of Thoracic Spine (T4-T12)
CreatedFebruary 23, 2024
Last UpdatedFebruary 23, 2024
byBaileaSue Rounds
You are here:
Recall: Diagnosis of the Thoracic Spine
Recall for Still Technique: Ease, Compress, Barrier
If needed, overview for Still Technique can be found here for additional review
Steps for Treatment:
- Patient is seated during this treatment, physician on opposite side of sidebending
- The diagnosis in this example is T8 E RLSL – physician standing on R
- Patient will do the “osteopathic salute” on the side of the rotation
- The diagnosis in this example is T8 E RLSL – patient does “salute” on L
- Physician will use one hand to monitor dysfunctional segment, while putting their other hand through the “salute” to maintain control of the patient during the treatment
- Physician will place the patient into their diagnosis, as that is the EASE
- Here, T8 E RLSL
- While maintaining the patient in their position of ease, the physician will then compress down to the dysfunctional segment
- While maintaining compression, the physician will guide the patient to a position that is opposite their diagnosis, the barrier
- Here, F RR SR
- The physician will then release compression and gently guide the patient back into the neutral position
- As always, REASSESS
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