Seated Flexion Test

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Seated Flexion Test

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Used to determine the presence of a sacroiliac dysfunction​

With the patient seated and their feet touching the ground, the examiner places their thumbs beneath the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) bilaterally and when at eye level, asks the patient to bend forward​

Test is considered to be positive if one thumb moves cephalad with forward flexion relative to the other thumb, indicating the presence of a sacroiliac dysfunction

Tip For Simplifying the Sacral Diagnosis:

Whichever side the seated test is positive on, the opposite oblique axis is the one that is engaged 

For Example: With a positive seated flexion test on the right, then the LEFT oblique axis is engaged → you know it has to be right on left OR left on left OR unilateral flexion/extension on the right.

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