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Posterior Pelvic Counterstrain
Posterior Pelvic Tender Points
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Counterstrain Review
Before proceeding to learning about the different counterstrain treatment techniques for each of the Posterior Pelvic Tender Points, you may wish to review our Overview to Counterstrain here.

Treatment: Flexion (Hip, ABduction (Hip), and External or Internal Rotation (Hip) — (F ABD ER/IR)
Tender Point | Location |
Piriformis | Midpoint between Lower Half of Lateral aspect of Sacrum/ILA and Greater Trochanter |
PL3 Lateral (Gluteus Medius 1)

Treatment: Extension (Hip), ABduction (Hip), and External Rotation (Hip) — (E ABD ER)
Tender Point | Location |
Gluteus Medius 1 | Upper outer portion of Gluteus Medius m., 2/3 Distance PSIS from Tensor Fasciae Latae |
PL4 Lateral (Gluteus Medius 2)

Treatment: Extension (Hip), ABduction (Hip), and External Rotation (Hip) — (E ABD ER)
Tender Point | Location |
Gluteus Medius 2 | Lateral portion of Gluteus Medius, near posterior margin of Tensor Fasciae Latae |
High Ilium (Sacroiliac)

Treatment: Extension (Hip),
ABduction (Hip), and External Rotation (Hip) — (E ABD ER)
Tender Point | Location |
Sacroiliac | 2-3 cm Lateral to Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS); press medially towards PSIS |
High Ilium Flare out (Coccygeus)

Treatment: Extension (Hip) and ADduction (Hip) — (E ADD)
Tender Point | Location |
Coccygeus | Lateral aspect of Sacral Inferior Lateral Angle (ILA) or Lateral aspect of Coccyx, associated with Coccygeus m. |
Upper Pole L5 Counterstrain

Treatment: Extension (Hip), ADduction (Hip), Internal or External Rotation (Hip) — (E ADD IR/ER)
Tender Point | Location |
UPL5 | Superior Medial aspect of Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS) between L5 Spinous Process and PSIS (associated with Multifidus, Rotatores and/or Iliolumbar Ligament) |
Lower Pole L5 Counterstrain

Treatment: Flexion (Knee, Hip),
Internal Rotation (Hip), and ADduction (Knee) — (F IR ADD)
Tender Point | Location |
LPL5 | On Ilium, Inferior to Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS); Press Superiorly (associated with posterior sacroiliac ligaments, erector spinae, or biceps femoris muscles; or referred from iliopsoas mm.) |