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Posterior Innominate Muscle Energy
CreatedJune 11, 2020
Last UpdatedFebruary 23, 2024
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Recall Diagnosing the Innominate
Steps for Treatment:
- Patient prone
- Stand opposite dysfunction
- Lower extremity extended, with one of physician’s hands grasping anterior thigh above knee, other hand monitors at SI joint
- Engage barrier
- Patient attempts to bring involved lower extremity towards table (the freedom)
- Physician resists for 3 seconds patient relaxes for 2 seconds
- Physician engages new barrier, repeat twice more
- Passive stretch
- Reassess
Video Tutorial:
- Patient supine, lower extremity of dysfunction side extended off table
- Physician stands on ipsilateral side, one hand supporting opposite ASIS, other on the ipsilateral knee
- Patient attempts to bring extremity towards ceiling
- Physician resists in usual muscle energy fashion for 3 seconds
- Patient relaxes for 3 seconds, then physician engages new barrier
- Repeat twice more
- Reassess
Video Tutorial:
- Patient in the Sim’s position (for stability) with dysfunctional side superior, physician stands beside the patient
- With the caudad hand, grasp anterior thigh, with cephalad hand grasp the PSIS
- Extend the hip to the restrictive barrier
- Patient is asked to bring the thigh anteriorly against your resistance
- Hold for 3-5 seconds
- Relax for 2 seconds
- Take up slack and engage new barrier
- Repeat at least 2-3 times
- Passive stretch
- Reassess
Video Tutorial:
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