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Overview of the Innominate Diagnosis
CreatedApril 15, 2020
Last UpdatedFebruary 5, 2024
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Diagnosing the Innominate includes two important steps:
Step One: Standing Flexion Test
Which side was your standing flexion test positive on? This is the side that you will diagnose, meaning ALL landmark evaluations will be in regards to that same side.
For Example: A patient with a positive standing flexion test on the right should have landmarks reported on the right side
Step Two: Landmark Evaluation
- You need THREE landmarks to diagnose the pelvis
- Two of the three must be on one side of the body (anterior OR posterior), while the third is on the opposite side
Landmarks may include: ASIS, PSIS, Pubic Tubercles, and Medial Malleoli
Key points to remember:
- Hook under the PSIS, medial malleolus, ASIS
- Assess at eye level
- Use your dominant eye
Putting it all Together:
With your findings there are 4 possibilities for the diagnosis
2 types of Rotations
Anterior rotation
Posterior rotation
2 types of Shears
Superior shear
Inferior shear

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