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Four-step Suboccipital Release
CreatedJune 11, 2020
Last UpdatedFebruary 13, 2024
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Steps for Treatment:
- The patient is supine while the doctor is standing or seated at the head of the table.
- The physician places the finger pads of at least two fingers palm up directly posterior to the foramen magnum
- Instruct the patient to relax so the weight of the head enhances the treatment
- There should be a space between the patient’s head and your palms when you set up the treatment!
- Finger pressure directed anteriorly toward patient’s upper lip and foramen magnum (position 1) and wait for a release
- Move fingers laterally pointing 30-45 degrees toward midline and apply tension (position 2) and wait for release/relaxation of suboccipital tissues
- Move fingers pointing 90 degrees toward midline and apply tension (position 3) and wait for a release
- Move fingers near mastoid processes pointing slightly posterior toward the midline and apply tension (position 4) and wait for a release
- Reassess

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