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Dr. Eberly’s Pelvic Balancing Technique
CreatedFebruary 23, 2024
Last UpdatedFebruary 23, 2024
byBaileaSue Rounds
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This technique engages the patient’s own muscles to allow for balancing of the pelvis
- Patient in supine position
- Assess the ASIS for the superior side
- The leg that is contralateral to the superior ASIS is placed into the FABER (Flexed, ABducted, Externally rotated) position
- The leg that is ipsilateral to the superior ASIS remains straight
- Physician standing on the FABER leg side of patient
- Physician places one hand on the knee of the FABER leg
- Physician places other hand on the ASIS that is superior
- Physician will then place a posterior force on the superior ASIS
- Patient will then straighten their FABER leg while physician resists
- As always, REASSESS
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