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Decompression of the Occipital Condyles
CreatedFebruary 16, 2022
Last UpdatedFebruary 13, 2024
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Used in infants to treat colic and various feeding disorders — This technique balances the reciprocal tension membrane at the hypoglossal canal, permitting normalized function of cranial nerve XII
Steps for Treatment:
- Patient supine with patient’s head rests on the physician’s palms
- Physician’s index and middle fingers (or the middle and ring fingers) approximate the patient’s condylar processes (as far caudad on the occiput as the soft tissue and C1 will allow
- The fingers of both hands initiate a gentle cephalad and lateral force at the base of the occiput.
- The force is maintained until a release is felt.
- The rate and amplitude of the CRI as it manifests in the basioccipital region are retested to assess
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