CV4 Technique

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CV4 Technique

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Used to treat compression of the 4th ventricle – Decreases overall sympathetic tone and balances the autonomic nervous system 

Steps for Treatment:

  1. Patient supine
  2. Physician at the head of the table with forearms resting on the table and one hand in the other with palms up and thenar eminences parallel (volleyball dig)
    1. Slip them under the occipital squama 
    2. Make sure they lie medial to the occipitomastoid suture!  
    3. Thumbs are at the level of C2 
  3. The weight of the head rests on the thenar eminences and thereby gently compresses the lateral angles of the occiput 
  4. Asses the CRI motion of the occiput 
  5. The occiput will press against your thenar eminences in flexion and will move away in extension. 
  6. Follow the motion into EXTENSION and discourage (inhibit) flexion  
  7. The amplitude of the motion gets progressively smaller with each cycle until a STILL POINT is reached.  
  8. At the still point, the CRI will seem to stop
    1. You may feel a sensation of a fine vibration which builds in a crescendo fashion to a peak, and then starts to diminish in a decrescendo fashion. 
  9. At the end of the still point, there is a sense of softening and warmth in the occiput and a gentle rocking motion of flexion/extension returns like a boat on quiet water 
  10. The still point may last only a few moments or several minutes  
  11. You may observe in some patients a gentle perspiration on the forehead 
  12. The patient may have a deep sigh in the respiration as the still point releases 
  13. You must be patient and wait for it to complete itself  
  14. You may feel the head move through more than one still point 
  15. Observe the CRI through a few cycles, and then gently remove your hand.  

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