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Anterior Lower Extremity Counterstrain
CreatedFebruary 9, 2022
Last UpdatedFebruary 28, 2022
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Anterior Lower Extremity Tender Points
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Counterstrain Review
Before proceeding to learning about the different counterstrain treatment techniques for each of the Anterior Lower Extremity Tender Points, you may wish to review our Overview to Counterstrain here.
All tender points in the following images depict right-sided tender points.
Lateral Trochanter (Iliotibial Band)
Treatment: Flexion and
ABDuction — (F ABD)
Tender Point | Location |
Iliotibial Band | Distal to Greater Trochanter, along Iliotibial (IT) Band |
Lateral Trochanter (Tensor Fasciae Latae)
Treatment: Flexion and
ABDuction — (F ABD)
Tender Point | Location |
Tensor Fasciae Latae | Interior to Ilium crest, within body of Tensor Fascia Latae Muscle |
Medial Ankle (Tibialis Anterior – MA1)
Treatment: INVersion (foot/ankle)
Internal Rotation (foot) — (INV IR)
Tender Point | Location |
Tibialis Anterior – MA1 | Anterior surface of Tibia in Tibialis Anterior m. |
Medial Ankle (Tibialis Anterior – MA2)
Treatment: INVersion (foot/ankle)
Internal Rotation (foot) — (INV IR)
Tender Point | Location |
Tibialis Anterior – MA2 | Anterior and Inferior to Medial Malleolus, along Deltoid Ligament |
Lateral Ankle
Treatment: EVersion (foot/ankle)
External Rotation (foot) — (EV ER)
Tender Point | Location |
Lateral Ankle | Anterior & Inferior to Lateral Malleolus in Sinus Tarsi (Talocalcaneal Sulcus) |
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