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Thoracic Region Myofascial Release
CreatedJune 11, 2020
Last UpdatedFebruary 13, 2024
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Prone Regional Thoracic (Direct or Indirect)
- The patient lies prone on the treatment table.
- The physician stands beside the patient slightly cephalad to the iliac crest.
- The physician places both hands, palms down, with the fingers slightly spread apart immediately paraspinal on each side.
- The physician imparts a ventral force into the patient’s thoracic tissues with only enough force to control the skin and underlying fascia so as not to slide across the patient’s skin.
- The physician monitors inferior and superior, left and right, circumferential rotation, and torsional (twisting) motion availability for ease-bind clockwise-and counterclockwise relations.
- After determining the presence of an ease-bind asymmetry, the physician will either indirectly or directly meet the ease-bind barrier in all 3 planes, stacking the motions.
- The force is applied in a very gentle to moderate manner.
- Force is held for 20-60 seconds or until a release is palpated. The physician may continue this and follow any additional release (creep) until it does not recur. Deep inhalation or other release-enhancing mechanisms can be helpful.
- Slowly, “Unstack” the motions in reverse order from which you stacked 3 planes of motion in step #6
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