Still Technique of Lumbar Spine (L1-L5), Supine Position

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Still Technique of Lumbar Spine (L1-L5), Supine Position

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RecallĀ Diagnosing the Lumbar Spine

Steps for Treatment:


  1. The patient is supine with the physician seated or standing at the foot of the table.
  2. The physician will use the opposite hand of the rotational diagnosis to monitor that segment of the spine. (Ex. If the diagnosis is a Rotated Right, the physician will use their Left hand to monitor that segment)
  3. The physician will then place their free hand on the tibial tuberosity of the patient’s leg that is on the ipsilateral side of their rotational diagnosis.
  4. The physician will flex the patient’s hip and knee until motion is felt at the dysfunctional segment.
  5. Ease
    • The patient will then externally rotate and ABduct the hip to place the hip into the position of ease while monitoring for motion at the dysfunctional segment.
  6. Compress
    • The physician compresses the leg in the direction of the SI joint, aimed toward the dysfunctional segment.
  7. Barrier
    • Place the leg into its barrier by ADducting and internally rotating the leg.
  8. Extend the leg at the knee while continuing to pull medially until the leg crosses the midline.
  9. Reassess.
Steps: 2, 3, & 4
Step: 5
Steps: 6 & 7
Step: 8
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