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Scapulothoracic Myofascial Release
CreatedJune 11, 2020
Last UpdatedFebruary 13, 2024
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- The patient lies in the lateral recumbent position, and the physician stands facing the patient at the side of the table.
- The physician’s right or left hand is placed over the patient’s right shoulder, anchoring the clavicle with the webbing of the thumb/index finger. The physician’s finger pads contact the superior medial angle of the scapula.
- The physician adds a gentle compression into the tissues to gain access and control of the patient’s scapulothoracic articulation and its related myofascial components. The physician next takes the scapula inferior/caudal, superior/cephalad, clockwise/counterclockwise and evaluates the ease-bind barrier relationship
- Next, the physician carries the scapulothoracic articulation toward the spinal midline and then draws the scapula laterally and assesses these ease-bind barriers
- The physician determines the motion of restriction and the holds it there for 20-60 seconds, or until a release is felt.
- When a release is palpated, the physician should do a passive stretch into the barrier
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