Jaw Elevation

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Jaw Elevation

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Diagnosis/Assessment of TMJ

With hands on either side of head with index fingers anterior to external auditory meatus. Instruct patient to open and close mouth – note how far mouth opens (should be 2 fingerbreadths). Note asymmetry, crepitus, tenderness.

Steps for Treatment:

  1. Patient lying in supine with physician standing behind at the head of the table placing their elbows on table next to patient head.
  2. Place two fingers or thumbs on the anterior surface of the patients chin, ensure the patient is relaxed.
  3. Motion test mandible in various directions and find ease.
  4. Gently open patient’s mouth to restrictive barrier.
  5. Ask patient to try to close their mouth against isometric resistance for 3 seconds, relax for 2 secs
  6. Reengage new barrier by opening the patients mouth further each time, repeat 2-3 times, end with passive stretch
  7. Reassess
jaw elev

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